katze frisst wenig

Cat eats little → please look at the teeth!

Cat eats little
– what can I do? – does she no longer like her food? But first you should think about dental problems. Today, 80% of all cats are affected. This also includes young cats, for example when changing teeth. Inflammation develops in 48 hours – tartar in 2 weeks. To break the vicious circle – we have to interrupt the growth of inflammatory bacteria. How does that work? Find out here!

What should we do if the cat eats little?

First look in the mouth. We should always do this and at least every 2 to 3 days. Because cats suffer for a long time. They hide severe toothache masterfully. It is only noticeable when the cat eats little. Or food falls out of the mouth again. She often shows her tongue to relieve the pain – for example in the case of inflammation of the mucous membranes. Increased salivation and one-sided chewing are also often seen. Veterinarians report that initial stages are rarely observed. The inflammation is usually very advanced. Then either lengthy therapies are necessary – or all teeth are extracted.

How can we counteract this with new knowledge and in good time?

If the cat eats little – this is an alarm sign. We look into her mouth. So we put them between our knees. We stretch the hand over the head from behind. We press gently on the corners of the mouth between thumb and forefinger. The mouth opens and we can examine the teeth. If a tooth is broken, tartar or redness is visible – you have to go to the vet. Prepare for this appointment with naturally antibacterial dental flakes. They stop bacteria and thus inflammation. There are fewer complications after treatment. And your cat is in less pain. Because it heals faster. The best thing is that it’s great for prevention! – so there will be no next time: Cat eats little!

katze frisst wenig

How exactly do the dental flakes work?

Cottage cheese is the active ingredient. Special peptides stop inflammatory bacteria with a natural antibacterial effect. They are just baked nature – a little rice, rapeseed oil and organic coconut oil for wholesomeness. Free from gluten, lactose and questionable ingredients such as chemical additives! – without any side effects. Even old cats or sick animals can brush their teeth with it. And many cat fans report that after a few days with the dental flakes – their cat eats normally again. Do they stimulate the appetite? Probably enough: feeling good without toothache?

By the way: Here’s another grandmother’s recipe: mix sour cream with egg yolk and let it lick off your finger. Your cat will love it. Because it does her good. The balanced ratio of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D complements the feed perfectly. This also supports the immune system. New science: This time it helps the animals with finally healthy teeth first! Find out more interesting facts at: www.qchefsdental.de

Here is our video: Youtube
How cats still like to eat cheese! – Here are some great and healthy treats to go with it – which you can quickly conjure up yourself: www.qchefs-dental.de

And please write to me about your experiences. I’m looking forward to it.

Thank you very much.
Your Anke Domaske

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