Curd cheese for dogs – but wait – milk or dairy products for dogs are taboo because of the lactose? The answer: Quark does not contain lactose. Here you can find out why it is important to distinguish between dairy products with and without lactose:
And there is no product that has been better researched than milk. But there is always news from the world of science. It has been proven, for example, that quark contains probiotic bacteria and supports the development of healthy bacterial flora. But dangerous bacteria – such as Staphylococcus aureus or E. coli bacteria – are also neutralized. That’s why curd cheese for dogs is essential to keep them healthy.
Which dairy products are suitable for dogs?
Milk, butter, whey, kefir and cream contain lactose. These should be avoided or only fed in very small quantities.
However, quark and cottage cheese are lactose-free, as the milk protein is washed several times. The lactose content of yogurt varies greatly. Non-heated natural yoghurt with live bacterial strains is the best tolerated.
Why is curd cheese so important for dogs?
Quark (and also cottage cheese = cooked quark) is one of the few foods that contains all amino acids. The essential amino acids are particularly important because the body cannot produce them itself.
They have the following important tasks:
- Improving the biological value of the feed – especially the meat. This is because it can only be converted into body protein to the extent that the necessary amino acids are available.
- As raw materials for the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline, they are responsible for well-being, happiness, activity and motivation, for example, and can have a strong influence on a dog’s behavior – including anxiety and stress levels. However, these messenger substances also regulate important metabolic processes. Serotonin controls bowel movements, for example.
- The amino acids in the quark are slowly digested within 8 hours. During this time, the muscles are nourished so that they can build up muscle mass. This prevents muscle breakdown during the night.

Important tip from the latest science:
If you want to do something really good for your dog, mix the quark with a spoonful of linseed oil using a magic wand. It has been scientifically proven that the ingredients of quark and linseed oil are each 50% better absorbed by the body. This also applies to people.
What would happen if dogs could chew curd cheese?
This is a good idea, because then the bad bacteria of the mouth flora can be neutralized and no biofilm (dental plaque) can form. Bad breath disappears and tartar dissolves.
And this is exactly what QCHEFS chewing bones do. During production, quark is cooked into cottage cheese and kneaded into a dough with buckwheat (not a grain), rapeseed oil, coconut oil and vegetable glycerine for the chewing gum effect and baked at 90 °C.
Free from anything questionable: Cereals, lactose, sugar, salt and flavor enhancers or allergenic E-numbers.
QCHEFS cheese bones are not only tooth cleaners, but also an optimal nutritional supplement that contains everything the body needs to stay healthy:
-all amino acids, vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids-
By the way: QCHEFS cheese bones are suitable for all dogs
– also for allergy sufferers, diabetics and sick dogs. There are 10 varieties – rock-hard for snackers and puffed for seniors. Everyone will find their favorite bone here:
Try it out and test it for free!