Why does dental care for dogs always say 100% natural?
Because it is important to the customer and everyone knows that chemicals in the body make you ill!
You don’t buy it if alcohol is the active ingredient in the dental spray – do you?
No doubt: bacteria are stopped. It works. The ratings are top.
But customers have no idea and are in good faith: the herbs in the dental spray solve the dental problem! dental spray solve the dental problem!
The manufacturers’ trick: Ingredients below 4% do not have to be declared!
This is sufficient to not show the proportion of chemicals. And evil chemistry stops
Bacteria. When asked, the manufacturers reply: “This small amount doesn’t matter.
There is nothing else to do – but to read the list of ingredients of the dental care dog carefully.
And to inform yourself!
Researchers are also clearly demonstrating in the human field: chemicals accumulate in the body and form a dangerous cocktail that triggers allergies and underlying diseases. The same applies to us: a little schnapps every day makes us alcoholics.
What about chemicals – which are even on the list of ingredients?
1. the proportion here is over 4%. In one of the most expensive dog dental care centers you have Sodium hexametaphosphate (E250) found? In mixtures with more than 5 %, it is clearly classified as carcinogenic and must not be used. But even lower concentrations of sodium hexametaphosphate can be carcinogenic.
You haven’t looked at the list of ingredients in your dog’s dental care yet?
2. Potassium thiocyanate did you find on the toothpaste for your dog? Safe
remember: Here cyanide is the basic substance and 1 pill is immediately fatal. Comforting
It is not very important – if the manufacturer promises – to use only small quantities. Votes-
not even the bacteria can survive the cyanide. The enzymes in it only have an alibi function. They do not really dissolve tartar.
3. algae are nature from the sea and you brush your dog’s teeth with them?
You wonder about the warnings from the Environmental Agency for risk assessments:
Algae should be healthy. And it is also not the iodine it contains – which
that stops bacteria: It is bromoform– a carbon-hydrogen compound – which
forms in the sea. Used in the 50s against whooping cough – we know
today: It is carcinogenic.
It sounds almost banal: Only a tiny 0.17 g of the algae mixture per kilogram
body weight – otherwise the thyroid gland will react with hyperfunction. The vets report
about a new disease that was previously completely unknown in dogs.
This example shows how sensitively the body reacts to chemicals and everything that is there.
does not belong in it. And how important it is to pay attention to “small amounts of chemicals”.
What is the price of keeping our dogs healthy?
It has always been true that your food should be your remedy and your remedy should be your food.
shall be your food. ONLY absorb nature – that’s how to stay healthy.
Nothing has changed to this day. Not only science – but also life
provides evidence of this on a daily basis. Traders simply ignore this:
Instead of using the possibilities of science – against better knowledge
Simply add chemicals to dental care for dogs. The justification is succinct:
It is little and does nothing! Why bother: Animals and their people pay
with pain – suffering and money. There’s only one thing they don’t get: health.
But simple solutions have been around for a long time!
How to find the right dental care for your dog!
Scientists are researching how to use ONLY nature for health. Take a look behind the backdrops: Not everything that looks green is green. And a white coat in a photo does not a scientist make.
New research and modern technology make chemistry superfluous. Microbiologists from QCHEFS show this with the new dog dental care. On the international peptide research – not only develop genuine natural recipes – but also the manufacturing process. Sustainably and carefully manufactured – so everything valuable remains inside.
How exactly does NUR Natur dental care dog work?
Natural vitamins and minerals support the immune system against the bacteria. But that alone is not enough. Peptides are the helmsmen in the body and regulate all 1100 processes that take place there. Breeding has changed the genetics of our Dogs changed. Not enough of the body’s own antibacterial peptides are produced.
Bacteria have an easy time and can multiply undisturbed. Microbiologists have found: Naturally antibacterial peptides in cottage cheese strengthen the body’s own peptides in saliva. They adhere to the cell walls and can no longer reproduce. Everyone knows this effect from Curd compresses against inflammation. Here they control the bacteria in the mouth.
What did your dog dental care check reveal?
If you think: Yes – it should be ONLY nature – have a look at visit QCHEFS! There is the right one for every dog Tooth cleaning: Delicious and healthy! Convince yourself of the high level of trust of customers who have already tested it.
It shows: It works and the QCHEFS promise is true. Nothing cheated or glossed over!
By the way: Start with the toothpaste flakes! As a final morsel they spread well in the mouth and take effect. The oral flora is back in Balance. Bad breath is gone – inflammations and tartar are reduced dissolves. So the problem of teeth – healthy and inexpensive – is solved.
Find out more here:
We are here for you!
Anke Nagler Microbiologist