Dental spray for dogs – is certainly better than doing nothing! – But is that enough? What requirements can we place on animal dental care today? Here are the answers to: How exactly does dental spray for dogs clean teeth?
Or: What’s in the dental spray for dogs?
There are dental sprays with:
1. pEG – polyethylene glycol is a polymer.
2. EDTA – is prohibited in food.
3. enzymes – these are produced from genetically modified microorganisms.
4. chlorhexidine – only temporary use due to bacterial resistance.
If you don’t want this to get into your dog every day: read the ingredients of the dental spray! More well-known dental sprays for dogs – use salt or alcohol against the bacteria. A dog should not ingest this either – and certainly not as daily dental care. Here is a list of ingredients as an example: spring water, sea salt, fermented herbs (from basil, blackberry leaves, Roman chamomile, lovage, shepherd’s purse, ribwort, marigold, raspberry leaves, rosemary, sage, willowherb, yarrow, lungwort, marshmallow, lady’s mantle, deadnettle, nettle, thyme), molasses.
Are you also thinking: There’s a lot of nature in there? But the first 2 ingredients are water and salt. This means that it is the largest share, usually over 85%.
What role do the fermented herbs play in the dental spray for dogs?
There are many good things to say about fermented products. When probiotic bacteria strains are still in the exponential growth phase – you can definitely do something for your health. But you can’t use them as an alibi. Bacterial strains and their effects have already been sufficiently researched. They have an inhibitory effect on pathogens in the intestine by creating an acidic environment. And they support the immune system. But which probiotic bacterial strains are contained and in what concentration? There is no information on this either on the packaging of the dental spray for dogs or online. Today it is standard practice to show these. However, advertising the probiotic effect has been banned since 2012. The legislator’s reasoning: There is no scientific evidence that probiotic cultures have a positive effect on health.
In the best case scenario, you are buying a lifestyle product with the dental spray dog – which hopefully causes as little damage as possible.
What can animal dentistry do with scientific proof?
Salt, alcohol and chlorhexidine are effective against bacteria. But we should remember: we humans spit our toothpaste out again. But we absorb a lot through the oral mucosa. Our animals keep everything inside. Even that – what we spray into the dog with the dental spray. The use of these ingredients is limited to 2 weeks. Chlorhexidine impairs the sense of taste. The study on bacterial resistance is still ongoing. But we don’t need all that – to keep our teeth clean. It also works without side effects. Today, science makes better use of nature for health. For example, naturally antibacterial peptides in cottage cheese not only dissolve tartar – but also prevent it from coming back. Teeth stay clean with toothpaste cheese. Natural vitamins and minerals support the peptides and strengthen the immune system. Brushing teeth with high-quality protein, light carbohydrates and healthy fatty acids – that’s how healthy animal dental care works today. It has been scientifically proven. Dental care for humans is also available with this active principle.
By the way: You can find out more interesting facts at #missiontierzähne
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Anke Domaske