Eliminate bad breath in dogs
if you have not yet found a remedy for it – here are the best.
Eliminating bad breath in dogs – you need to know the cause. But it is always the signal to act. Bacteria and inflammation in the mouth are the most common. It usually smells purulent or like sulphur. It would smell metallic when bleeding occurs, e.g. when changing teeth. If it smells sour, it could be heartburn or sweet – in the case of fungal infections and diabetes. This way you can narrow down the causes.
How to permanently eliminate bad breath in dogs!
Tip 1
Looking into the mouth
Early detection can prevent serious conditions and pain. Also examine the gums for inflammation, bleeding and plaque. A tooth may have come loose.
Tip 2
Drink water
The dog should always drink enough water so that food residues are rinsed out.
Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 50°C water and pour into the drinking bowl or over the food. It disinfects and reduces hyperacidity.
Tip 3
Coconut oil
Virgin coconut oil is antibacterial, antiviral and combats inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.
Add 1 teaspoon to the food at mealtimes. Many dogs like to lick it pure.
Tip 4
Cheese bone
The natural antibacterial effect of cottage cheese reduces mouth bacteria by 80 %. It is gentle on the stomach and intestines. The cottage cheese in the cheese bone is chewable and therefore has time to work in the mouth.
Why do cheese bones reduce bacteria?
The science behind it: the CCP- ACP complex of proteins destroys the cell walls of bacteria.
Everyone knows this natural antibacterial effect from curd compresses for bacterial inflammations.
Recently, scientists have proven this effect in 45 studies and have also developed dental care for humans.
The special recipe of the cheese bones supports periodontitis prophylaxis with a high proportion of natural vitamins and minerals. They prevent the mucous membranes from drying out, support wound healing and the immune system in the fight against bacteria. The calcium in the milk proteins rebuilds the tooth enamel by 71%.
This keeps gums and teeth healthy and clean.
Why are cheese bones also a valuable nutritional supplement?
Natural vitamins and minerals are very well utilized by the body. Vitamins A, E and a high proportion of all B vitamins as well as magnesium, iron, zinc and copper and vitamin K1 – which are particularly important for dogs – are included.
Now you only need to add 2 spoonfuls – for small dogs a teaspoon and for large dogs a tablespoon – of quark or cottage cheese and 1 spoonful of fresh virgin oil with unsaturated fatty acids – so you have the best food supplement for your dog.

What else is in the cheese bones?
The ingredients are – 30 % cottage cheese, buckwheat (no grain), rapeseed oil, coconut oil, vegetable bioglycerine – completely without synthetic additives and of course – also without sugar, salt, lactose etc.
The recipe of the cheese bones corresponds to the light diet recipe and is therefore also suitable for sick dogs – kidneys, thyroid, diabetes, pancreatitis and also to support a diet. The three treats for brushing your teeth in the evening only contain 15 kcal.
By the way: everyone will find their favorite bone – rock hard for nibbling or puffed for chewing – and for the non-chewers, the bones are ground into toothpaste flakes. They are available as a dessert to lick up. For gourmets with quark or coconut oil as a paste.
You can find lots of great ideas for the cheese bones, competitions etc. at www.qchefsdental.de
Your QCHEFS team wishes you lots of fun with it.