Gingivitis Katze

Gingivitis cat → effectively supplements previous therapy!

Gingivitis cat
– this diagnosis cries out for information! Here is the new knowledge with real help: dental flakes! In addition, the experiences from the veterinary practice. Then you know what you can do!

Why conventional medicine is not enough for gingivitis!

Your cat is in pain. It really hurts her. That’s why she eats so badly. The bacteria in the mouth were able to multiply undisturbed. Why?

1. genetic predisposition has reduced the natural protection of the teeth.

2. If the immune defense is then weakened, gingivitis quickly develops.

This happens within 48 hours. It usually goes unnoticed that quickly. Bacterial layers become thicker and the bacteria also become more aggressive.

Realization: You have to do something about bacteria all the time! That’s why people brush their teeth twice a day. Until now, there was no solution to effectively protect cats. Even a toothbrush does not prevent gingivitis in cats. Medications such as cortisone and antibiotics only have a very limited effect. For example, antibiotics only help against bacteria in the blood – not on the mucous membrane.
That’s why something new is needed!

How does nature stop bacteria in cats with gingivitis?

Scientists were looking for ways to dissolve biofilms. They found special peptides. They stop the formation of bacteria with a natural antibacterial effect. They attach themselves to their cell walls. Reproduction is no longer possible. It is difficult to work against inflammation in the mouth. Every oral flora is colonized with different strains of bacteria. 10 years of research. Mixtures of vital substances had to be combined and a gentle production process had to be found. It was worth it. Thousands of cats have been relieved of their pain. And they were able to keep their teeth. A story – that makes cat people happy.
Here are the dental flakes for your cat!

Gingivitis Katze

How to use dental flakes for your cat’s gingivitis?

Initially put ½ teaspoon of dental flakes on the bottom of the bowl twice a day after the food. If your cat doesn’t like it, let him lick a few crumbs off your finger with something tasty. You have to seduce them to be healthy. Even grouchy cats quickly realize when it’s good for them. Important: Even sick animals can use it to reduce bacteria – without side effects. Main ingredient: cottage cheese and a little rice, rapeseed oil and organic coconut oil for digestibility and consistency. The small amount of dental flakes is negligible and does not need to be included in the daily ration.

Specific answer to your question:

What is gingivitis in cats?

Inflammation of the gums is known as gingivitis. It is reversible – i.e. curable. It usually begins at the upper free edge of the gums. Dental flakes reduce oral bacteria and inflammation with natural antibacterial peptides. In this way, you can do something about bacteria – the cause of gingivitis – in a way that is suitable for everyday use. Also preventive.

By the way: Make an appointment with your vet. It needs to be checked – whether there are any other dental problems.
Here are the experiences from the veterinary practice:
More information is available at:

Here is our video: Youtube
How cats still like to eat cheese! – Here are some great and healthy treats to go with it – which you can quickly conjure up yourself:

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Thank you very much.
Your Anke Domaske

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