Healthy dog food
– calm with or better without grain? But this question is superficial and does not get to the heart of the matter. The dog can process carbohydrates. He even needs healthy carbohydrates. But there are big differences when it comes to grain. Find out here how you should decide for the benefit of your dog and ultimately your wallet:
What really matters when it comes to healthy dog food?
Healthy dog food is probably more a question of trust, because what good is high-quality content if it contains carcinogenic acrylamines, for example? They are not listed on the packaging and the term “by-products” and the 1% rule can also hide a lot. But the wrong questions also lead to the wrong answers. Here is an example:
Why do the varieties with cereals of all things convince as healthy dog food ?
Dear food testers from Stiftung Warentest and vets! It is true that dogs can digest the starch contained in cereals. But it’s not about the starch, but about the gluten in the grain. Breeding and genetic manipulation have increased the gluten content from 5 % to 50 % in the last 50 years. This is just one change to our modern wheat. The dog’s immune system fights the specific allergens in gluten. They cause digestive problems, allergies and cravings. And so the health problems develop.
The nasty trick on the packaging: different types of grain are added to the food and listed individually in the INCI list so that the grain content appears further back. The dog owner thinks – everything is fine, the meat content comes first – but it doesn’t really.
What should really healthy dog food contain?
- High-quality protein meat and especially quark, yoghurt and cheese,
- healthy carbohydrates – potatoes, vegetables, buckwheat (no cereals), rice (no gluten)
- Unsaturated fatty acids, especially omega 3 fatty acids from vegetable oils
- Vitamins, minerals, trace elements of natural origin
Which type of meat is the healthiest?
Most dog owners think lean beef and spend a lot of money on it. But it lacks the healthy fat and the calcium: phosphorus ratio is not sufficient for the dog’s needs.
The correct composition of the feed is important and each element influences the other. If the dog receives too little energy from fats and carbohydrates, the protein is used for energy production and is lacking in the build-up of body substance.
Why does every dog need a different food?
It is a misconception that protein is primarily used for energy production. It is important for building and maintaining the body’s substance. This is why a growing dog needs 11% and an adult dog only 5% of the total amount of energy in the food. There are 2 – 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
Also add the vegetable protein to the protein content. For example, the vegetable protein in buckwheat (not a grain) is very digestible and easy to utilize.
The balanced nitrogen ratio is important for the utilization of the protein and is also influenced by the fat content. This is particularly important for sick or old dogs.

Why does healthy dog food contain 30% cottage cheese every day?
Cottage cheese is cooked curd cheese and contains all the essential amino acids. The body cannot produce them itself. However, they are necessary for metabolic processes and the formation of messenger substances. Without serotonin or dopamine, your dog will be restless, listless, anxious or aggressive and certainly unhappy. This is exactly why cheese makes you happy.
Cottage cheese is digested slowly. It can therefore supply the muscles with amino acids for 8 hours.
By the way: cottage cheese also cleans teeth. It neutralizes the caries bacteria. This prevents plaque or dangerous gum inflammation. Bad breath disappeared immediately. QCHEFS cottage cheese chews have no questionable ingredients and are free from: Cereals or gluten, lactose, sugar, salt and flavor enhancers or E-numbers that can trigger allergies.
Puffed with a chewing gum effect or rock hard for snack fans, everyone will find their natural toothbrush.
Find out more at: or and have your dog tested and give him healthy dog food!
Have fun with it, because dogs love cheese!