Brushing horses’ teeth with a brush – surely just a joke in the socials! Not only because it is not physiological – but also because horses’ teeth are structured differently to those of horses.
People’s teeth. A toothbrush can damage the outer tooth cement.
Der ist nicht so hart- wie der Zahnschmelz des Menschen. It is not as hard as human tooth enamel. But nobody talks about the most important thing they have in common with horses’ teeth: Many dental problems are caused by bacteria.
Nothing sour or sweet – that also applies to horse teeth. Acid attacks the tooth cement – erodes and demineralizes. Sweets provide energy for the bacteria to multiply. And this is how tooth decay and inflammation occur. A lot has already improved and yet there is still inflammation. What else can you do about it?
Periodontitis also occurs on horse teeth! The inflammation starts at the gums and progresses to the periodontium. It also occurs in young horses. And it starts – as described. Food remains between the teeth are added and the gums become inflamed. The inflammation moves deeper and deeper into the periodontium and the jawbone is attacked. If the immune system is weak, periodontitis is more pronounced. What could be done about it so far? The horse dentist says: To prevent this – clean the spaces between the teeth every day. Although this reduces the risk, it does not stop the bacteria from multiplying undisturbed. And let’s be honest – who can do that?
Until now, there was no other treatment: periodontitis in the spaces between the teeth is milled open. This must be repeated every 3 months and is only a trial. It may or may not improve. As this disease is life-limiting, is there really nothing that can be done?
What does science – which has been studying the oral microbiology of animals for 15 years – have to say about this? For dogs and cats – 80% of whom suffer from bacteria-induced dental problems – dental care has been available for 10 years, which controls the bacteria without side effects and has been proven worldwide. Isn’t there something that works for horses? Chemicals – as in the countless dental care products on the market – are also taboo because of the side effects. So do your research!
Initial research results show: Bacteria are also reduced in the horse’s mouth. This was the result of microbiological tests. How exactly does it work? Antibacterial peptides in special cottage cheese adhere to the cell walls of bacteria. Known from curd compresses against inflammation – only now in the horse’s mouth. The extra gentle manufacturing process not only preserves the very sensitive peptides, but also the vitamins and minerals. They strengthen the intestines and the immune system.
This allows the body’s own immune system to work against the bacteria.
Horses’ teeth chew or grind the food – and this is vital.
Eating behavior changes with dental problems and permanent stress develops. This causes the acid-base balance to become unbalanced, resulting in watery stools or colic. Find out how new science can make better use of nature without side effects and in a multifunctional way – also for the health of our horses:
FAQ Dental charcoal horse
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Best regards
Anke Nagler
Mikrobiologe und QCHEFS-Gründer