High-quality dog food
is the basis for a healthy dog. Today, no one can ignore this fact. And almost every dog owner makes an honest effort to find the best food for their dog. That is really difficult. We make an honest effort to fight our way through recommendations and content lists. But do you have a real chance?
What is a high-quality dog food and what is really important?
Many factors determine the usability. Here is the most unknown, but
The most important point: High-quality dog food can be measured by its biological value.
The better the amino acid pattern and its composition of essential amino acids – the higher the utilization of the meat. Even with a crude protein content of 30%, protein deficiency symptoms are possible if not enough essential amino acids are present. This is why products with single proteins are only suitable for a short time.
The cottage cheese trick – with all the amino acids! Sour milk products provide the highest quality protein. They are one of the few products that contain all – and above all – all essential amino acids. Therefore, replace 10-30% daily with cottage cheese or quark to obtain a really high-quality dog food.
How to cleverly hide ingredients – or what no dog needs?
It has become almost impossible to tell from the contents list what is inside. The only way to find out about the quality of the raw materials is to analyze the amino acids. Also through your own nose, because good raw materials don’t smell bad in dog food either.
- Advertised with ingredient and contains only 4 % of it
- Extenders do not usually have to be declared
- Genetically modified raw materials are not declared
- Antioxidants are mixed into the raw materials – therefore not declared
- Nutritional additives are usually allergenic E-numbers
- Vegetable by-products such as wheat gluten, corn gluten, soybean meal,
- Additives such as genetically/chemically produced vitamins, antioxidants, flavorings with a high allergy potential are summarized as antioxidants and the quantity is not known.
The only way to be sure: Choose dog food with the label – Without additives. Because then there really must be nothing added.
What else does your dog need besides high-quality dog food?
Quite simply. The right thing to chew – without additives. Because these are also popular with chewing bones. And best of all from cottage cheese. But this time not because of the amino acids.
Because cottage cheese can do even more. It neutralizes the bad bacteria in the mouth flora. This eliminates bad breath and prevents plaque from forming. Inflammation of the gums,
which are dangerous because the bacteria penetrate the body and cause inflammation-
are a thing of the past. And tartar dissolves after 2 weeks.
Here are the ingredients of QCHEFS cheese bones:
Cottage cheese, buckwheat (not cereal), rapeseed oil, coconut oil, vegetable glycerine for the chewing gum effect
Free from : Cereals, lactose, sugar, additives
By the way: The vitamins, minerals and trace elements in buckwheat are natural and not synthetically produced. They are a valuable nutritional supplement with everything the body needs to be healthy.
Dog owners can say: “My desperate search is over. All healthy and fit and I want to keep it that way. I can enjoy life with my dog!”
Find out more at www.qchefsdental.de or http://www.facebook.com/qchefs and test the cheese bones with your dog!