Light dog food → Cottage cheese good for diarrhea ?

Gentle dog food
– and what is the best? The vet says: “Cottage cheese!” and others laugh and wish them lots of fun. Here you can find out how to get everything under control quickly and why cottage cheese is important for diarrhea and vomiting.

Because your vet is right. Science has proven that cottage cheese neutralizes bacteria, even Staphylococcus aureus and E. Coli – the dangerous intestinal bacteria. The healthy bacteria remain intact. This is the main reason why you should definitely feed quark and cottage cheese for gastrointestinal problems.

The food plan for dogs on a light diet:

  1. Day:

24 hours lots of liquid – also chamomile or fennel tea + no food (even 2 days do not bother the dog). The gastrointestinal tract can calm down.

  1. Day

Milk rice porridge or rice porridge in meat broth, cottage cheese,

  1. day (maybe one more day, then everything should be back to normal)

add to the previous recipe: very small turkey meat, 1 spoonful of linseed + quark or cottage cheese, mashed carrot.

The combination of rice and cottage cheese stops diarrhea.

Light dog food
Light dog food


Why is cottage cheese still so important for gastrointestinal problems?

Cottage cheese consists of the highest quality protein, is easy to digest and does not weigh you down. The digestion time is 8 hours. During this time, the muscles are continuously supplied with amino acids so that no muscle breakdown occurs. Sour milk products also contain lactic acid bacteria, which regenerate the intestinal flora.

But the most important reason is the supply of all essential amino acids, which the body needs for important metabolic processes and as raw material for messenger substances. This also includes serotonin, which is responsible for well-being, for example. The body cannot produce these essential amino acids itself and cannot store them.

Why is quark or cottage cheese also important in a normal diet?

curd cheese or cottage cheese as part of the daily feed ration. We have just learned how important it is for the muscles and brain. It is very low in fat, so you don’t have to count calories.

The content of vitamin D, magnesium and calcium is high and particularly important for the dog’s increased need for these vitamins and minerals. 30% of the normal food can and should be replaced by cottage cheese or curd cheese for all dogs – puppies, young dogs and seniors. If not daily, then several times a week.

Light dog food
Light dog food

What else can cottage cheese do?

It has been scientifically proven that cottage cheese neutralizes caries bacteria. This stops bad breath and dental plaque. Even tartar dissolves and the dangerous inflammation of the gums disappears and is no longer a threat to the dog’s general health.

By the way: QCHEFS cheese bones not only soothe through intensive chewing. The raw material in cottage cheese boosts the messenger substance GABA, which is responsible for calming the brain. This means you can train your dog very well with a QCHEFS cheese bone. He is then particularly cool and motivated.

Find out more about thedog food at and give it a try!

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