Natural dental care for cats
– it is absolutely essential to ensure that no side effects occur.
Otherwise you may have solved a problem, but at least one new one is created. And this is not far-fetched. For example, damages chlorhexidine – the used in dental treatment for cats is used the gastrointestinal tract. This is because the animal cannot spit out – as we humans do – but swallows the chemical.
Why is dental care so difficult ?
Are cats really difficult or is it just difficult to force them into our human world? Just because we think that what is good for us humans must also be good for cats, we came up with the idea of brushing cats’ teeth with small double-headed toothbrushes.
But we’re not really surprised – when the cat clearly tells us what it thinks.
So the question about a -natural dental care cat – is absolutely correct and necessary.
Find out more about this:
Why are cats smart?
The enamel layer in cats is not only 1/10 of the thickness of human tooth enamel – it is also softer. Therefore any mechanical impact causes damage to the enamel. That’s why the cat is very clever if it doesn’t let us work and clean in its mouth .
Why is – natural dental care for cats – so important?
For cats with their seven lives, nothing is so quickly dangerous. They only have no chance against plaque bacteria. Their living conditions have changed so much that their natural defense systems are unable to defend themselves sufficiently.
The cause and companion of all mouth diseases or dental problems are always the plaque bacteria and this at any cat age.
And this happens in a flash – in 48 hours the gums become inflamed and the
Gums at the enamel margin are softened. In this way, the bacteria can
bloodstream into the body. They are the causes of heart failure and kidney failure,
Joint inflammation or gastrointestinal problems.
It is particularly tragic that cats quickly develop serious and very painful diseases. They usually go unnoticed for a long time and the cats have to suffer.
What can be in it? – in natural dental care for cats?
- rich in high-quality protein – e.g. cottage cheese with
all essential amino acids
- contains only natural vitamins and minerals
healthy fatty acids
- without ingredients such as algae – which can be harmful due to high iodine content
hyperthyroidism – or synthetic phopshor
kidney failure – pure starch can also cause kidney failure.
not be healthy.and absolutely –
free from: Gluten, sugar, salt, synthetic additives
What must it be able to do – the natural dental care for cats?
So that mouth inflammations have no chance – it must act against plaque bacteria – naturally antibacterial – like various herbs – for example myrrh. We don’t stand a chance with cats – but cats would buy cheese. That’s why the active ingredient in natural dental care for cats is cottage cheese.
Scientifically proven:
The natural antibacterial effect has always been used by humans
Known to all as Grandma’s curd wrap . In oral microbiology, the effect of milk protein on the bacteria in the oral cavity has been proven in 45 studies.
Now all that remains is for the cottage cheese to work in the mouth and be delicious for cats. However, this task was so difficult – that 10 years of research and the development of a new process technology were necessary – until it was solved.
Today the QCHEFS toothpaste flakes are not only a natural dental care for cats – but also the tastiest – you can mix them with your cat’s favorite treat – and the acceptance problem is solved.
It contains only the following ingredients – 30% cottage cheese, rice, rapeseed oil, organic coconut oil,
By the way: Produced in accordance with the health food recipe – QCHEFS toothpaste flakes Cheese bones are also suitable for allergy sufferers, diabetics, renal insufficiency, dieters, pancreatitis and other illnesses.
Find out more about QCHEFS toothpaste flakes for cats at Have fun trying!