
  • Licki Dental Bundle SloMo Cat

    Lickimat Slomo feeding station with QCHEFS dental flakes
    Cat dental care: Inflammation – tartar gone!
    Slow feeder- stiff- robust- free of harmful substances

    🦷 One bite and gone – doesn’t work! Important for stress away and situation relaxed. Eat slowly – nutrients are better utilized and problems are reduced. QCHEFS is also well distributed and effective

    🦷 Intensive tooth brushing: Dental flakes are distributed in the mouth and have a natural antibacterial effect to stop bacteria from multiplying. Bad breath – inflammation gone and tartar dissolves. Clean teeth!

    🦷 Empty compartment by compartment : Also fill with liquid – so the cat is sufficiently supplied. Australian original: Developed by vets! Food-safe and easy to rinse off

    🦷 Also for sick cats: Who are not allowed to have anything else! Made accordingly to a health food recipe. With 3 finger lick and treat into the prey scheme. Then sprinkle on first and cover with the food – it works!

    🦷 New science from microbiology: ONLY natural dental care without side effects – effective and inexpensive! The Family Team from Bavaria is happy to research, manufacture, supply and advise you

    Includes 19% MwSt.
  • Lucky Box Set Cat

    Why the box of happiness?
    Give it away or keep it?

    Your cat shows you – whether it prefers to lick
    or crunchy! – totally relaxed and
    brushed the teeth right away!
    Choose for your favorite evening ritual:
    Licked or sniffed and crunched!

    What’s inside?

    The handle is the seat of the toothbrush fairy!
    The new QCHEFS Container: smart, practical and
    sustainable! Also for the new ONLY paper bags!
    Handmade: Food-safe stainless steel
    is fully recyclable. Simply rinse off! 20 x 12 cm

    For tartar removal or keeping teeth healthy!

    With small bowl: embossing of the teeth and
    use bottom grooves as slow feeder ! Feet
    make it non-slip!
    Handmade: Food-safe stainless steel
    is fully recyclable. Simply rinse off! 11 x 4 cm

    2 x dental charcoal for starting
    Intensively cleans teeth and builds up the gut!
    Dental charcoal is made with dental flakes and organic coconut.

    filled. First, teeth brushed and bowels built up.
    Only then is it free to remove acids, gases and toxins.
    bind. Thus, without vitamin deficiency
    Relieves the liver and kidneys! Everything is back in balance.
    Also in the emergency kit: Immediately stop the mishap!

    2 x dental flakes – they spread well and work effectively.

    With this supply from the lucky box, 1/2 teaspoon in the evening
    the teeth are brushed and no plaque forms.
    Finally healthy teeth for a long and healthy life!

    Includes 19% MwSt.
  • Licki Dental Bundle Kitty

    🦷With the hollow for the drink: drunk – slowly eaten
    and brushing teeth intensively. Toothpaste flakes are distributed in the
    mouth and naturally antibacterial stop the proliferation of the

    🦷 Accepted without taste without any problems: With some food
    or treats such as yogurt or snack paste. Bad breath and
    Inflammation reduced after 2 weeks – tartar dissolves after 2 weeks
    approx. 6 weeks

    🦷 ONLY nature without side effects: also for sick cats!
    Not only teeth clean – also vitamin and mineral household
    especially calcium is balanced daily. Important: Cats do not store

    🦷 Food-safe natural rubber: Robust – free from harmful substances
    dishwasher-safe – easy to rinse! Australian original
    developed by veterinarians. 10 x 10 cm

    🦷 New science from microbiology: natural dental care
    effective and inexpensive! The Family Team from Bavaria researches- manufactures-
    will be happy to supply and advise you

    Includes 19% MwSt.
  • KidneyDental Bundle Kitty

    🦷 With a cool hollow for drinking enough: Drunk – slowly
    eaten and teeth brushed intensively. Dental charcoal spreads
    in the mouth and naturally stops bacteria.

    🦷 Neutral taste: With 3 crumbs of finger lick and treat
    like yogurt or snack paste. On the bottom of the bowl
    and food on top! Bad breath – inflammation and tartar gone

    🦷 Also for sick cats: Charcoal for cleaning teeth
    filled with dental flakes and organic coconut. Only in the intestine is it free
    for binding acids and toxins and relieving the burden on life and kidneys

    🦷 Extra fine: charcoal binds the kidney toxins of the
    protein degradation as soon as it occurs. Even with young cats:
    Teeth brushed and kidneys protected for a long and healthy life

    🦷 Lick mat made of natural rubber: Pollutant-free – rinsable!
    Australian original – developed by vets! 10 x 10 cm.
    The science of microbiology: Natural dental care – effective and inexpensive

    Includes 19% MwSt.
  • Licki Dental Bundle Felix

    Bundle package: Lickimat Cat & QCHEFS!
    Lickimat < Lickimat Felix > for your
    cat with 1 x QCHEFS dental flakes!
    Durable and non-toxic lick mat: < Lickimat orginal > and with the QCHEFS
    Natural dental care: The basis for being healthy!
    Lickimat is a lick mat with short and narrow nubs: Cats
    must also make an effort

    Why with toothpaste flakes?
    Just spread a little in the mouth – stop of course

    antibacterial peptides in cottage cheese bacteria.
    Bad breath/inflammation and tartar gone
    dissolves. New coating does not form.

    🦷 Brush teeth more effectively: The flow of saliva is
    stimulated. Dental flakes are better in the mouth
    distributed and have a more intensive effect. Licked from the
    LickiMat: The tongue is also cleaned of bacteria.
    This is the basis for being healthy!

    🦷 This is how slow works: One bite and gone?- works
    no more! The feed ration is controlled:
    Nutrients are better utilized and the
    Digestion supported.

    🦷Stress away: positively distracted: From vet visits to grooming!
    And there’s no more boredom either!

    🦷Simply exciting: trains to hold on tight
    and at the same time adapting the movement!
    The reward is well deserved.
    This is how positive reinforcement works with the new #Lickidental!

    Includes 19% MwSt.