Proper barfing needs to be learned. Here you can find out what you need to look out for and how you can not only bark properly, but also make it easier for yourself.
Proper barking – without microbial risk
There is a microbial risk that you eliminate with frozen food. The parasites are safely killed after one week at -18°C.
Proper barking – without nutrient deficiency
The other risk is underuse or overuse. The most reliable way to determine requirements is to analyze the ingredients of the feed. The supply of vitamins A, D, iodine, calcium, copper, zinc and manganese is critical – also according to the different requirements at different ages.
How can you avoid a lack of critical nutrients?
- Carrot puree and salmon oil from time to time
Dogs can convert beta-carotene into active vitamin A. Carrots should therefore not only be included in the diet for gastrointestinal problems. Vitamin A is found in foods of animal origin, such as liver, eggs and cream cheese.
- A spoonful of cold-pressed vegetable oil daily
Rapeseed oil has the ideal ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Linseed oil contains more omega 3 than omega 6 fatty acids. The fat-soluble vitamins A and D can be stored in the body, i.e. after a sufficient supply, a period of time can be bridged. Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium and is also contained in vegetable oils.
- Daily quark, cottage cheese or whole egg
The absorption of calcium from food depends on various factors such as the age of the dog and which nutrients it is consuming at the same time. The calcium content of muscle meat and offal is lower than in other foods. However, calcium from animal foods can be better absorbed. The usability of calcium from eggshells is too low. Calcium should therefore be provided from sour milk products.
Why should cottage cheese be part of your daily diet?
The more varied the amino acid pattern, the better the meat can be utilized. Quark, cottage cheese and whole egg are some of the few foods that contain all amino acids. It therefore not only serves as a source of calcium, but also supports the processing of the feed and increases its biological value.
How can a deficiency of zinc, iodine, copper and manganese be prevented?
These minerals are sufficiently and naturally contained in the superfood buckwheat (not a grain). Buckwheat has been combined with cottage cheese, rapeseed oil and coconut oil to make it suitable for dogs. And a chew bone was developed from this.
What makes it special is not only the nutrients it naturally contains, but also its
also has an important function – as a natural toothbrush.
Why are cottage cheese bones better than raw bones?
- Proper barking – with high-quality food supplements
The nutrient content of the cheese bone is more varied, of higher quality and easier for the body to utilize than that of the raw bone or rumen.
As a valuable nutritional supplement, it provides critical nutrients in one piece when barfing.
- Proper barking – with an effective and natural toothbrush
If cottage cheese needs to be chewed, it can neutralize bad bacteria. Science has proven that bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and E.Cli are among them. This prevents biofilm from forming on the teeth. Bad breath and gingivitis disappear. Tartar dissolves after 2 weeks.
- The right way to bark – with our cheese bones for happiness
And cheese bones make your dog happy. Not only because cottage cheese provides the raw materials for serotonin. But because chewing with relish is simply the best.
By the way: QCHEFS cheese bones are available in 10 varieties – rock hard for nibblers or puffed for gourmets.
You can find your dog’s favorite bone at or!