Puppy chew toy → to make the tooth fairy happy!

Puppy chew toys
– a  really important topic. The puppy’s  chewing instinct must be supported  –  but what is the best way?  The chew toy  for puppies must be an all-round talent – for example: safe  – also for the teeth  and  free from plasticizers.  You can find out lots more interesting information on this topic at . You will be surprised!

 Why are chew toys important for puppies?

It’s not just about saving your shoes. Chewing is not just  stress relief or an activity. It is  important for metabolic processes and  intestinal movement. It is widely believed that the chewing process cleans the teeth. This could be the case if the bit  works perfectly like pinking shears. However,  most dog teeth are far from this and overbites or underbites are the rule rather than the exception.  And the mouth bacteria that cause plaque are unimpressed.  That’s why you need to pay special attention to your puppy’s dental care. It’s good that he gets used to people looking into his mouth straight away. It should become a  beautiful ritual. When he proudly shows his teeth, there is a reward.  

Which chew toys can be dangerous for puppies?

The first complications can arise early on, because not all milk teeth fall out by themselves. Misalignments can damage the  mucous membrane. But injuries can also  come from puppies chewing toys that are too hard. Dog tooth enamel is  thinner  than in humans.  For example,  chewing hard pieces of antler can cause chipping on the molars, which usually goes unnoticed.  What is fatal  is that this injury exposes the pain-sensitive tooth substance. And you don’t find out that your dog has a toothache.  Because he eats anyway. You may notice it when he chews on one side  or when he scratches his muzzle with his paw or runs it over the floor. This is just one example.  Plastic parts can also  break – pieces of them can be swallowed.  Also     plasticizers  are an issue that you should be aware of.

What should a chew toy  be like for puppies?

A healthy and safe snack  would be great –  Healthy,  natural and gentle on teeth.  Not swallowable is important  and  support the change of teeth  with decongestant effect and itch reduction. And you should be able to let it fly through the air and catch it again. I can only think of one puppy chew toy that can do it all –  QCHEFS Cheese Bones.

Puppy chew toy
Puppy chew toy

What exactly can  cheese bones do?

They are rock-hard and cannot be bitten through. They keep the cold out of the freezer for a very long time and are a blessing when the gums are swollen  and itchy.  Chewing  also makes it easier for the little teeth  to penetrate the gums.  Your puppy has to work really hard, because he only gets  the  from the cheese bone, which he has softened  with saliva. This means chewing and salivating. But the most important thing:  the proliferation  of the  undesirable  mouth bacteria is stopped by natural antibacterial action. Scientifically proven:  cottage cheese contains a peptide complex that attaches itself to the cell walls of  bacteria. This prevents them from reproducing. The mauflora is in balance  and no plaque can accumulate on the teeth. Everyone knows the effect of  Grandma’s curd wraps against inflammation.

By the way:  QCHEFS Cheese Bones  are an important source of  vitamins and minerals  – all naturally contained.  It also contains  the important vitamin K1. It is  responsible for the red blood cells and the storage of calcium in the bones. And it is hardly contained in the food as it is not heat-resistant.  You can find out lots of interesting facts about dogs –  especially  brushing teeth and  nutrition – at  https://facebook.com/qchefs/  or www.qchefsdental.de


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