Renal insufficiency dog nutrition
– What are the dangers and why do I have to check the list of ingredients for phosphate? What is the difference to the intake of natural phosphorus? The latest scientific findings from animal nutrition experts and tips from veterinary practitioners:
How does the body process the naturally occurring phosphorus?
The body needs phosphate essential for metabolic processes and bone substance muscle movements. But only natural, please. And this is not dangerous, because only about 50 % of the natural dietary phosphate is absorbed and of this again
70 % is excreted via the kidneys. The rest is excreted in the stool.
Plant phosphate is the least well absorbed and you don’t really need to pay much attention to it.
Why are so many dogs suffering from renal insufficiency ?
Renal insufficiency dog nutrition – 3 keywords, their important connection
quickly becomes clear, because renal insufficiency is often caused by industry.
The vicious circle begins like this: Chemical phosphate salts are added to dog food as stabilizers and preservatives (e.g. E 452). However, 90% of these synthetic phosphates are absorbed by the body.
However, the more chemical phosphate salts the body absorbs, the less phosphorus the kidneys can excrete. This is because the calcium-phosphate metabolism is disturbed. Calcium is removed from the bones and more calcium is deposited in the kidneys. This kidney tissue can no longer be regenerated and the excess phosphorus can no longer be excreted via the kidneys.
How do I recognize synthetic phosphate?
It has many different designations and this with the intention of being able to hide them better. Polyphosphates, phosphorus salts, inorganic phosphate are only
some of them.
The E- numbers are E 1410- 1414; E 1442; E 338- 342; E450- 452; E 442; E 541 and others.
Check the INCI list of the dog food. E 342 in particular, also known as polyphosphates, are added by the industry to make everything tasty and preserved.
It is therefore not only important how much phosphorus is in the feed, but also whether it is natural or synthetic.
And they should not only be removed from the diet of dogs with renal insufficiency, but healthy dogs should also be protected from them. This can prevent and delay renal insufficiency.
What is your experience with phosphate binders?
In the case of renal insufficiency in dogs, phosphate binders are often a way of supporting regulation.
Phosphate binders bind the phosphorus in saliva. Do not use aluminum salts,
because they are poisonous. A good phosphate binder is. Calicium carbonate. It binds phosphate before it can be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The bound phosphate consists of dietary phosphates (meat) and already secreted phosphates (blood phosphates released into the intestine). This can improve the phosphate balance. This has a positive effect on kidney function and also prolongs survival time.
Note :
high in phosphorus – 60- 80 mg/kg body weight/day
Low phosphorus – 15- 40 mg /kg body weight / day
How can the calcium/phosphorus ratio be improved?
Meat does not have a balanced Ca/P ratio. For this reason, calicium dispensers must also be used to balance out barfing. Please note: raw bones are phosphorus bombs. 2 spoonfuls of curd cheese daily with the food – is better. This does not contain any lactose and, in addition to calcium, provides the essential amino acids necessary for the meat to be better utilized.
Cheese bones are a clever substitute for raw bones. Not only can you chew them well, you can also brush your teeth at the same time. In addition to mechanical abrasion, 80% of caries bacteria are neutralized. Bad breath is gone and teeth are actively brushed. This not only prevents tartar, but also removes it.
By the way: QCHEFS are a natural food supplement for dogs with natural calcium and phosphorus. 1 QCHEFS treat in the evening is enough for brushing teeth. It contains 14 mg phosphorus. You can find more information at –