Rumen + cheese bones are the best for your dog!

Rumen and cheese bones are the ideal combination of nutritional supplement and species-appropriate dental care. Not only does it contain everything the dog needs, but the teeth are also cleaned. More is not possible and more is not needed – this is the opinion of the most experienced and best-known nutrition consultant in Germany – Professor Gregor.

What can the rumen do?

The nutritional value of the green rumen is very high. It contains all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements, is very good for harmonizing digestion and if your dog ever feels unwell or something is wrong with him, give him rumen – then everything will be fine again – according to the expert’s advice. Only contained in the rumen, but particularly important – probiotic bacteria. They are essential for healthy intestinal flora. They not only harmonize digestion, but also strengthen your dog’s immune system. The rumen is the cow’s forestomach. The green fodder is pre-digested there. You can buy it from abattoirs or frozen on the internet. The feeding recommendation is once a week.

What about species-appropriate teeth cleaning?

Now also scientifically proven: Cheese neutralizes 80% of caries bacteria. This prevents plaque from forming, tooth discoloration disappears and tartar formation is prevented. Not only do you save yourself the veterinary costs, you also save your dog the anesthetic.

The cheese treat is just right for daily tooth brushing.

It makes your dog twice as happy – no brushingJ and with serotonin to make you feel good.

And it saves you time and effort.


What else can cheese bones do?

They also contain all vitamins, minerals, trace elements and all essential amino acids in the high-quality protein content of 30 %. This ensures that your dog is adequately supplied during the time when he is not given rumen. The daily intake of vitamins is also relevant for dogs.


QCHEFS – Cheese bones are the best!

Just give it a try! You can obtain samples from your retailer or at and choose your favorite treat! For from € 5.99 / month, it is the perfect dental cleaning and nutritional supplement. By the way – if your darling has eaten rumen, give him a QCHEFS treat – then he will immediately smell good again – while cuddling!

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