Serotonin nutrition → also vital for dogs!

Serotonin nutrition

– Did you know that serotonin not only makes you happy, but is also needed for many important metabolic processes – such as intestinal movement? And that people and dogs without serotonin are not only unhappy, but can also become really ill. How this can be easily prevented – here is the information:

How is serotonin produced and what should a dog’s diet look like?

Feeling good and being happy with serotonin nutrition – many hormones and messenger substances work for this, but it doesn’t work without the neurotransmitter serotonin. It is generated by the brain itself. The raw material for this is the vital and essential amino acid – tryptophan. The body cannot produce them itself. But you don’t need to take pills to produce serotonin. Tryptophan is found in meat, but above all in cheese, and should be consumed about twice a day as the body cannot store it.

Why can’t dogs be fed only on meat?

Tryptophan cannot be processed without carbohydrates.

The reason: many amino acids fight for entry at the blood-brain barrier. An increased insulin level is needed to divert the unimportant amino acids into the muscles. This is caused by the carbohydrates. Ideal carbohydrates in dog food are grain-free – such as potato and buckwheat (no grain).

How are serotonin + nutrition and psyche + health connected?

Dogs also become ill when they lack nutrients. This can usually be recognized by behavioural abnormalities such as stress, aggressiveness, but also inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. This can usually be remedied with the right feeding plan.

High-quality raw materials – natural or carefully produced and, above all, without additives

( E-numbers) – that is the recipe for being healthy and happy.

Why do treats make dogs so happy?

Such foods make us happy and dopamine is responsible for the special reward. And it works like this:

Fulfilled expectations stimulate the brain. There is also the habit of getting treats in certain situations – e.g. as a reward. This habit becomes anchored in the brain and the reward system releases dopamine.

Which treat can do all this and why?

Multi-talented QCHEFS cheese bones:

  • with the highest proportion of tryptophan
  • with ideal carbohydrates – buckwheat (no cereals)
  • Carefully produced from high-quality food raw materials
  • all vitamins – especially rich in B complex
  • all minerals + trace elements
  • 100% natural without additives

And best of all: dogs love cheese!

By the way: Cheese bones are an appropriate dental care – stop bad breath and dissolve tartar. The cheese neutralizes the bacteria.

So it’s very easy to make your dog happy.

Find out more about serotonin nutrition and test:

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