Tartar dog
– and a sad myth: the dog has to live with it. But he also has a right to clean teeth. The human is responsible for the dog being the way it is – as
he is. A scissor bite is now a rarity. Even BARF food can no longer be torn apart – everything is minced. Genetic predisposition also has an impact on the composition of saliva . This and even more makes – tartar dog – a big topic in the dog world.
Why – tartar dog – almost all dog people busy?
So far, there has still been no solution that works in a species-appropriate way and without side effects. What use is algae powder, for example, if the amount needed to combat tartar causes hyperthyroidism? Even the gold standard of dog dental care – brushing with toothpaste – is still touted as the best way to prevent tartar. Although all vets know that half of all pet owners – despite all good intentions – throw in the towel after a few weeks. The other half don’t even start. This was discovered in a veterinary study. A problem solver is urgently needed, because tartar is a major problem for 80% of dogs .
Why – tartar in dogs – is an important health problem?
It doesn’t look nice and smells unpleasant. But that’s not the worst of it. Plaque bacteria feel particularly at home on tartar and can adhere and grow well. The next generations will be even more aggressive. The body’s immune response puts up a fight. This softens the gums. Now the path into the bloodstream is clear. Plaque bacteria can inflame the internal organs throughout the body. And we wonder why our dog has a weak heart, kidney failure and joint inflammation.
Unfortunately, hardly anyone knows this connection.
Why there must be a new awareness for – tartar dog-?
It is unacceptable that people do not think about the species-appropriate solution to the problem – tartar dog. At most, the teeth are cleaned twice a year for routine examinations – under anesthesia. Is that the best you can do?
Otherwise we treat our dogs like our children. They are always there for us and we don’t manage to keep our teeth clean. This makes them ill and they lose
a great deal of quality of life. And nobody should brush their teeth with a toothbrush – there must be another solution. With today’s possibilities of natural science
and technology, it should also be found.
How to solve the problem – tartar dog?
The root of all evil is plaque bacteria. Mankind has been fighting inflammatory bacteria for centuries with the natural antibacterial effect
of the milk proteins. Everyone knows grandma’s curd compresses. Perhaps this effect can be used to neutralize the plaque bacteria – not only on the teeth – but in the entire oral flora. Then we would finally have a remedy for gingivitis or inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth.
Why not start right away?
You have to find out whether and how it can succeed. Of course, you don’t know beforehand that it’s not that easy and would take 10 years. But with a lot
Effort, passion and a little luck can make it happen. The proof is in the QCHEFS cheese bones. They solve the problem – tartar dog – species-appropriate, tasty and
playful. The plaque bacteria and inflammations have no chance and the tartar dissolves or cannot develop at all – without any side effects.
What is the best thing about QCHEFS cheese?
The dogs make sure that they don’t forget to brush their teeth with cheese bones. On the one hand, it is certainly because they are delicious. And the dog senses that it is good for him. There is a suitable QCHEFS for everyone – healthy or sick – chewers or non-chewers – big or small. Great stories and not just about – tartar dogs – can be found at www.qchefsdental.de or facebook.com/qchefs –
Have fun browsing!
By the way: Who invented it? – the young microbiologist Anke Domaske with a heart for animals in the right place. Their 100% natural products with added value for animals, people and the environment are popular all over the world and have been awarded the European Green Tec Award .