Zylkene dog
– is often recommended by your vet for anxiety and stress. However, there is a wide range of natural healing methods and nutritional supplements.
Here you can find out more about the effects of the various amino acids on anxiety and stress. The combination of natural active ingredients with the security of the dog’s relationship with its human promises optimum success.
Dietary supplements are preferable to prescription drugs with strong side effects.
What are the disadvantages of prescription drugs?
For example, the active ingredient acepromazine is even ineffective because noise perception is more sensitive. Only the dog’s ability to react is restricted, but its fear remains.
So keep your hands off drugs with strong side effects – and ineffective ones at that. Benzodiazepines do indeed have an anxiolytic effect, but usually only for 5 hours and they have to be administered when the dog is still calm.
The combination of various natural active ingredients with the security of the relationship with its human promises optimum success.
How do Zylkene dog tablets work and what are their advantages and disadvantages?
Milk protein has a calming effect on the body. The neurotransmitter GABA is amplified by alpha caseozepine and has a calming effect on the brain. We all know the warm cup of milk to fall asleep with. Casein hydrolsate is a high-quality protein with no side effects.
However, Zylkene dog tablets only work if the dog has been suckled with mother’s milk for long enough for the conditioning effect to develop.
In addition, the effect only sets in after several days or even weeks.
The fear does not disappear. But the animal becomes calmer and the training against fear and stress can be supported.
How does the amino acid tryptophan work and what are its advantages and disadvantages?
Tryptophan is the raw material for serotonin production in the brain. It regulates important metabolic processes, such as intestinal movement, and is responsible for pain levels, mood, learning ability and healthy sleep. Tryptophan is essential and must be obtained from food. It is present in milk protein with a high biological value. Sour milk products such as quark, yoghurt and cottage cheese do not contain lactose. Tryptophan in the form of sour milk must be given daily, as it cannot be stored.
To do this, healthy carbohydrates must always be combined so that the messenger substance can cross the blood-brain barrier. The effect lasts up to 3 hours with a delay of 1 – 1.5 hours.

What is the best alternative to Zylkene Dog and Tryptophan?
Clearly – the combination of both. And best of all, the amino acid tyrosine – the raw material for noradrenaline. It regulates the body’s energy balance – too much means aggression and too little depression.
But it’s not as complicated as it seems. The optimum composition of all essential amino acids is found in cottage cheese.
QCHEFS cheese bones are also available to help reduce stress through chewing.
With only healthy ingredients – cottage cheese, buckwheat (not cereal), rapeseed oil, coconut oil and vegetable glycerine for the chewing gum effect – it is ideal for stress and anxiety management.
By the way: QCHEFS cheese bones are also an effective dental care product. The cheese neutralizes bacteria. This prevents bad breath and plaque and even dissolves tartar. The dreaded inflammation of the gums also disappears. This keeps the teeth healthy and clean.
Find out more about Zylkene Dog and test it for free: www.qchefsdental.de