After antibiotics cat intestinal reconstruction

As after antibiotics

In the intestine, the multiplication of beneficial
support bacteria! The science
says: Much better – with probiotics new
bacterial strains colonize.

What exactly happens?

Immune system strengthened: dental charcoal
filled with dental flakes and organic coconut
supported with natural vitamins and
minerals – instead of extracting them.

Built up in the intestine: The prebiotics from rice,
Brewer’s yeast and organic coconut soothe the
gastrointestinal mucosa and provide
Energy for the propagation of useful
Bacteria. With pumpkin or carrot puree
and some yogurt to supplement the food.
Free again – binds toxins
and residues of the medication and passes them.

What – if teeth are already clean?

Mouth bacteria under control:
Undisturbed reproduction makes ill,
not only in the mouth! After 2 weeks
inflammation reduced – tartar dissolved
after 6 weeks. It sometimes takes
longer – as it varies in persistence
is. But it is protected from the outset.
QCHEFS: First natural alternative to
Permanent bacteria without side effects
to control. When it’s that easy!

How do cats love it ?

Start: 3 crumbs of finger lick with
Snack paste – familiar and a favorite!
Offer skeptics several times: Now it’s
gone after all!
Effective: With yogurt or snack paste
and from the Lickimat! Or on the bottom of the bowl
and food on top! As a final treat! –
takes on the taste and flatters
the palate.

When and how to use dental charcoal?

In the emergency kit! Ready to use immediately – because it’s delicious!
Acute: Diarrhea or nausea until recovery
Cure: Inflammation and tartar gone – after
Worming cure or antibiotics Intestine built up!
Permanent: relieves the liver and kidneys!
Can be controlled via blood values!

Extra fine for cats!
Dental charcoal/dental flakes Ration: ½ tsp
1 teaspoon of dental charcoal contains 1 g of biochar
Evening: Dental Charcoal

Morning: Dental Flakes
or in the daily alternate with dental flakes!

When giving medication:
As a precaution, alternatively mix
Dental Flakes with organic coconut or discuss with

the vet.

At a glance: Healthy things in – bad things out!
Dental charcoal: without vitamin deficiency

Intensive teeth cleaning:
Filled with dental flakes and organic coconut!
Strengthened gut & immune system:
With prebiotics and vitamins
Gases, acids and toxins:
The activated carbon binds again and
leads them out! Everything is back in balance!

Can be checked via blood values: liver and
kidneys are relieved

even for young cats for a long and healthy life!
Try it! Healthy pays off!

Thank you for writing!
Your feedback
is very valuable – also for other cat fans!
We are here for you!

Anke Nagler Microbiologist