Brushing cats’ teeth

Why cat teeth at all


Hard to believe- 80 % of cats
suffer from dental problems. Your toothache
hide them masterfully and veterinarians
often only see final stages. Always begins
it with the undisturbed multiplication of the
Why? – Breeding has genetics
changed: 5000 years there were 16 races
45 have been added in the last 50 years!
But there is a simple solution!

What- if you can work with ONLY nature
Bacteria controlled

Without side effects – like curd compresses
against inflammation – only in the mouth.
Naturally antibacterial peptides adhere to
the cell walls of the bacteria.
ONLY nature stops bacteria – cause of
Dental problems and real pathogens.

What exactly happens?

Bacteria control: After 2 weeks
inflammations are reduced – tartar
dissolves after 6 weeks. Different
stubborn – sometimes it takes longer.
Licked by the Lickimat – it becomes
even better distributed and works more effectively.
Just get on with it. The experience
shows: Now he’s gone after all! Your cat is
protected from the outset. Are the teeth
clean – does not form with 1 treat
Covering. The calcium is balanced daily.
Important for cats – they don’t save!

How do cats love it ?

Start: 3 crumbs of finger lick with
Snack paste – familiar and a favorite!
Offer skeptics several times: Now it’s
gone after all!
Effective: Over yogurt or snack paste
and from the Lickimat! Or on the bottom of the bowl
and food on top! As a final morsel! –
takes on the taste and flatters
the palate.

When and how to use dental charcoal?

In the emergency kit! Ready to use immediately – because it’s delicious!
Acute: Diarrhea or nausea until recovery
Cure: Inflammation and tartar gone – after
Worming cure or antibiotics Intestine built up!
Long-term use: relieves the liver and kidneys!
Can be controlled via blood values!

Extra fine for cats!
Toothbrush charcoal/toothbrush flakes Ration: ½ tsp
1 teaspoon of dental charcoal contains 1 g of biochar
Evening: Toothpaste charcoal Morning: Toothpaste flakes
or in the daily Alternate with toothpaste flakes!

When giving medication:
As a precaution, alternativelymix
toothpaste flakes with organic coconut or discuss with

the vet.

At a glance: Healthy things in – bad things out!
Dental charcoal: without vitamin deficiency

Intensively clean teeth:
Filled with toothpaste flakes and organic coconut!
Strengthened gut & immune system:
With prebiotics and vitamins
Gases, acids and toxins:
The activated carbon binds again and
leads them out! Everything is back in balance!

Can be checked via blood values: liver and
kidneys are relieved

even in
young cats for a long and healthy life!
Try it! Healthy pays off!

Thank you for writing!
Your feedback
is very valuable – also for other cat fans!
We are here for you!

Anke Nagler Microbiologist