Diabetes cat

How to prevent diabetes
and also alleviates?

Caused by stress, 95% of diabetes cases in cats have good chances for prevention and control. Cats may experience stress due to undisturbed bacteria growth in the mouth, which stresses the immune system. This disrupts metabolism, leading to insulin imbalance and initiating a vicious cycle.

How to clean teeth to stop bacteria?

With ONLY nature – without any side effects, simply with dental flakes or more intensively with dental charcoal. Just like curd wraps against inflammation, dental flakes naturally adhere to bacterial cell walls, reducing inflammation after 2 weeks and dissolving tartar after 6 weeks. Sometimes it may take longer, as persistence varies. As a natural alternative, QCHEFS is the first option to permanently control bacteria. It’s that easy!

What else happens?

The immune system is strengthened: Dental charcoal filled with dental flakes and organic coconut is supported with natural vitamins and minerals – instead of extracting them. Prebiotics from rice, brewer’s yeast, and organic coconut soothe the gastrointestinal mucosa and provide energy for the propagation of useful bacteria. Boosters with pumpkin or carrot puree mixed with a little yogurt are beneficial. Free again – dental charcoal binds toxins and eliminates them. Stools are normal – just a little darker.

How do cats love it?

Start with three crumbs finger licked with snack paste – they are familiar and satisfying! Offer it several times until skeptics accept it. It’s effective when sprinkled over yogurt or snack paste, placed on a Lickimat, or spread on the base of the bowl with food on top. It’s a final morsel that pleases their palate.

When and how to use dental charcoal?

It’s a must-have in the emergency kit! Ready to use immediately because it’s delicious! For acute conditions like diarrhea or nausea until recovery, for curing inflammation and tartar after deworming or antibiotics, and for intestinal support. Long-term use relieves the liver and kidneys and can be monitored through blood values.

Extra fine for cats! Dental charcoal dosage: ½ teaspoon. Each teaspoon of dental charcoal contains 1 gram of biochar. Use dental charcoal in the evening and dental flakes in the morning, or alternate them daily.

When giving medication, as a precaution, alternatively mix dental flakes with organic coconut or discuss with the vet.

Dental charcoal: Without vitamin deficiency.

Healthy in – bad out!

Intensively clean teeth: Filled with dental flakes and organic coconut! Strengthened gut & immune system: With prebiotics and vitamins. Binding gases, acids, and toxins: Dental charcoal restores balance effectively!

Can be checked via blood values: liver and
kidneys are relieved

even for young cats for a long and healthy life!
Try it! Healthy pays off!

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is very valuable – also for other cat fans!
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Anke Nagler Microbiologist