FORL cat

What if you are not so helpless at the mercy of FORL

Toothache hurts! Dental x-rays are necessary for detecting dental issues. Saved from severe pain, our beloved pets are worth it.

Science identifies two types of Feline Oral Resorptive Lesions (FORL): Type 1 and Type 2.

TYPE 2 (5%): In this case, the tooth is destroyed from the inside out, often due to a lack of calcium. This imbalance is caused by synthetic phosphorus in the diet, which alters the calcium-phosphorus ratio. QCHEFS supports your cat by providing daily balanced calcium to control bacteria.

Type 1 (95%): Dental problems in this category are primarily caused by bacteria. Preventing undisturbed bacterial growth in the mouth is essential. Natural remedies like curd compresses can help stop the spread of inflammation.

What happens in the mouth?

Natural antibacterial peptides in cottage cheese adhere to bacterial cell walls, providing permanent bacterial control without side effects. This proactive approach not only prevents issues but also supports overall oral health.

How to clean your teeth?

Keeping mouth bacteria under control is crucial. After two weeks, inflammation is reduced, and tartar dissolves within six weeks. QCHEFS offers a natural alternative for permanent bacterial control.

How do cats love it?

Start by offering small amounts of QCHEFS with snack paste, gradually increasing familiarity. Sprinkle it over yogurt or snack paste or use it with a Lickimat for effective distribution.

When and how to use dental charcoal?

It’s readily available in emergency kits and can be used immediately. Whether for acute issues or long-term support, dental charcoal offers relief for various dental problems.

Dental charcoal: Without vitamin deficiency

Intensively clean teeth, strengthened gut, and immune system are benefits of using dental charcoal. It binds and removes gases, acids, and toxins, restoring balance.

Can be checked via blood values: liver and
kidneys are relieved

even for young cats for a long and healthy life!
Try it! Healthy pays off!

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Anke Nagler Microbiologist