Fantastic animal gifts
– but which one is the right one? It should be fun, healthy and delicious. But it should also have a function and make you happy. Normally you have to buy a gift box with food, toys, treats, food supplements and dental care.
But “all in one” are the cheese bones. Find out why here!
Why great animal gifts can also be healthy?
For the dog owner, not everything simple is ingenious, but everything ingenious is simple. And it’s the same with the cheese bones. What is your dog ‘s favorite thing to do? Exactly – play and chew. And what do dog owners like?
If it doesn’t smell – like food or bad breath, if they have no worries and everything is healthy.
- Cheese bones are odorless and non-perishable. You can simply put them in your pocket and forget about them – no problem.
- They make bad breath disappear immediately. Great, the best prerequisite for the next cuddle attack.
So it’s a fantastic gift for humans.
Keeping your dog busy is important. Cheese bones can be searched for, twirled through the air and best of all, they are rewarded. The reason they are happiness boosters is that the amino acids in cheese are the raw materials for serotonin production.
The great thing about cheese bones is also:
- Natural nutrient bomb – with all the vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids and everything the body needs to be healthy. The feed is optimally supplemented and its biological value is increased with the amino acids in the cottage cheese.
- Natural toothbrush – not only with mechanical abrasion, because the cheese neutralizes the bad bacteria of the mouth flora. Therefore, no plaque can form and the tooth enamel is remineralized with the calcium in the cheese. This leaves the teeth clean and smooth. Even tartar dissolves after 2 weeks and gingivitis disappears.

Everyone can find their favorite bone. QCHEFS cheese bones are available in
10 varieties and three recipes.
Ingredients: Cottage cheese, buckwheat (not cereal) or rice, rapeseed oil, coconut oil,
vegetable glycerine for the chewing gum effect,
Free from: cereals, lactose, sugar, additives

No flavor enhancers, flavorings, attractants, synthetic vitamins or other additives are used.
contain allergenic E-numbers.
It is therefore also suitable for allergy sufferers, diabetics or sick dogs. Cottage cheese also neutralizes bad bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. It also helps with problems and harmonizes digestion.
By the way: QCHEFS cheese bones are available
rock hard
for nibblers and puffed for chewers, seniors or small dogs. What a great gift, don’t you think?
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