Cheese for dogs – is it poisonous or which cheese can I give my dog and how much of it is good for him? This uncertainty among dog owners must finally be brought to an end. The incorrect information on the use of cheese in dog nutrition is mostly based on ignorance and generalization. But there are also some new scientific findings. You will be surprised!
Which cheese is suitable for dogs?
- Cheese is an age-old training aid for hunting dogs and companion and rescue dogs. The older the cheese, the less lactose it contains. It is usually only 0.1 g per 100 g of cheese. This is tolerated by every dog without any problems.
- Milk proteins such as quark and cottage cheese do not even contain traces of lactose as they are still washed. They are therefore also very suitable due to their low calorie count.
Soft cheeses and young cheeses, such as young Gouda, should not be used for dogs as they contain lactose.

Why is cheese so valuable and irreplaceable for dogs?
Quark and cottage cheese are made from milk protein. Milk protein is the highest quality protein with these important special features:
- It is light and yet it takes 8 hours to digest. During this time, the muscles are permanently supplied with amino acids so that the body’s protein can be built up.
- Milk proteins are one of the few foods that contain all the essential amino acids. They are essential for life and cannot be produced by the body itself. They support the digestion of the meat and increase its biological value.
- Amino acids control all processes in the body and brain. They control wound healing, serotonin production and 1100 others. They are responsible for the movement of the intestines as well as for happiness, well-being, activity and motivation. They also regulate feelings of fear and aggression to a normal level, so that a dog can lead a balanced and happy life.

What else can cheese do for dogs?
Science has proven that cheese neutralizes bacteria. And so it is not only important for nutrition, but also cleans teeth. The oral flora is neutralized and no plaque can form. Bad breath is stopped and tartar dissolves after 14 days.
By the way: QCHEFS cottage cheese bones contain only cottage cheese, buckwheat (no cereals) or rice, rapeseed oil, coconut oil and vegetable glycerine for the chewing gum effect. They are free from sugar, salt, gluten, lactose and, above all, flavor enhancers or other allergenic E-numbers. They are the real happiness makers.
Find out more at and try it out! Your dog loves cheese bones!