Cottage cheese dog →as a chew bone! healthy + cleans teeth

Cottage cheese dog
is a sour milk product, like quark or natural yoghurt, and is an important component of the food. Dog owners still make too little use of this source of high-quality protein and calcium. The recommendation not to feed your dog any dairy products due to lactose is usually also applied to cottage cheese. But quark and cottage cheese are lactose-free. During the production of quark, the lactose is removed by washing the milk proteins.

Why is cottage cheese so important for dogs in their daily diet?

  1. High-quality protein: The raw material for cottage cheese is quark. This protein has the highest biological value because it contains all the amino acids. The essential amino acids are particularly important because the body cannot produce them itself. However, these are also urgently needed to utilize the meat feed. Meat usually contains significantly less of these amino acids. And the body can only produce as much protein as the amount of amino acids available. Adding cottage cheese increases the usability of the feed.
  2. Positive for the intestinal flora: the lactic acid bacteria build up the intestinal flora. This supports the immune system. Cottage cheese is easy to digest and soothes irritation in the gastrointestinal tract. Mixing cottage cheese with rice is the best solution for diarrhea. Here, up to 1/3 of the normal feed can be replaced by cottage cheese.
  3. No calorie counting: Cottage cheese is very low in fat and does not need to be included in your daily ration. The most valuable tip: use a magic wand to mix in rapeseed oil or another vegetable oil rich in unsaturated fatty acids. This increases the usability of the omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, as well as that of the cottage cheese.
  4. Rich in magnesium, calcium + vitamin D: these must be supplied daily as the body cannot store them. It is also important that they are not synthetically produced – i.e. naturally contained.

    Cottage cheese dog
    Cottage cheese dog

What else can cottage cheese do?

The latest scientific findings show that cottage cheese can also cleanteeth. The cheese neutralizes the bacteria in the mouth flora and prevents the formation of a biofilm. This also prevents the formation of tartar and eliminates bad breath. To do this, the dog must chew the cottage cheese. To achieve this, QCHEFS has developed chewing bones made from cottage cheese with a chewing gum effect. On contact with saliva, it sticks to the teeth and the dog has to chew and salivate. QCHEFS cheese bones are combined with buckwheat (not grain) or rice and also contain rapeseed oil and coconut oil. They are free from cereals, gluten, sugar, salt and additives.

By the way: QCHEFS cheese bones contain high-quality protein as well as vitamins, minerals, trace elements and unsaturated fatty acids! You can therefore use them as a dietary supplement to replace a raw bone or rumen.


You are free to choose the food composition and your dog is happy with his cheese bone!

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