Seaweed meal dog → please do not use it to dissolve tartar!

Seaweed meal dog
– and here you can find out about the side effects. Because today our animals die  from diseases and at times in their lives when they should not  be dying. Science knows everything – unfortunately, new knowledge is very slow to reach  where it should be applied. But maybe this will do the trick!

Why -seaweed meal dog – cannot be used carefully enough?

Seaweed meal  Dog  is used by many to remove tartar. But the price of this is hyperthyroidism. It is known as alimentary hyperthyroidism and occurs when the iodine content in the diet is too high. The dog may only consume 0.0002 g per kg/kg per day. The  dosage recommendations are   100 times higher. With barfing, the iodine content is added through rations with gullet parts. Commercial suppliers do not remove the thyroid gland from the meat either. All in all – too much iodine causes hyperthyroidism – even in young dogs. In this way, a new disease is being created that has only existed very rarely to date . So it’s probably best to do without it.

What  can be used to replace the seaweed meal dog?

A good tartar remover is needed – to sprinkle on top. The uncomplicated use of seaweed meal dog  is an important difference to brushing your teeth with a toothbrush. But you should expect a lot more from an innovative dental care product: –  suitable for sick and allergy sufferers –  chewing and nibbling fun  with different consistencies –  remineralize and smooth tartar –  100% natural with all the important vitamins and minerals And the most important thing: effective against plaque bacteria! This is because they are the cause of all inflammations and problems in the oral cavity and in the body. There is only QCHEFS cheese! – incidentally also as toothpaste flakes.   

seaweed meal dog
seaweed meal dog

Why is  QCHEFS cheese so innovative?

The big difference  to all other dog dental care products is: naturally antibacterial with cottage cheese. The high-quality protein has a peptide complex that attaches itself to the cell walls of the plaque bacteria. This prevents them from multiplying.  But QCHEFS cheese is also a tasty bedtime snack , making brushing your dog’s teeth a pleasant evening ritual that should never be forgotten.  Your dog will pay close attention. And so worries about teeth or  other diseases  are no longer necessary, because permanently clean teeth are the basis for being healthy.        

By the way:  QCHFES cheese has a favorite bone for every dog – rock hard or puffed. But there is also just the right thing for those with a sweet tooth.         

You can find everything on the topic – Mission healthy animal teeth!  at  and – also or 

I look forward to your feedback.

Your Anke Domaske     

Microbiologist & QCHEFS Founder         

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